English, asked by noormohmmadshekh34, 2 months ago

Q2. Who did the horse-trader pour out his woes to? What advice did he get?​


Answered by UmangChaurasia12


Read the story and answer the question

The Scholar and the Horse

There was once an honest trader called Dhyan Singh. The other tradesmen in the shops nearby would mix stones in the rice and chalk powder in the flour. Many times, Dhyan Singh tried to tell them how wrong this was, but they only laughed at him and went on cheating. Dhyan Singh didn't want to get them into trouble. He wanted them to reform. But how? So he decided to take advice from a learned scholar, Chandrabhan, who lived in the next town. Maybe Chandrabhan would be able to help him. The Scholar and the Horse There was once an honest trader called Dhyan Singh. The other tradesmen in the shops nearby would mix stones in the rice and chalk powder in the flour. Many times, Dhyan Singh tried to tell them how wrong this was, but they only laughed at him and went on cheating. Dhyan Singh didn't want to get them into trouble. He wanted them to reform. But how? So he decided to take advice from a learned scholar, Chandrabhan, who lived in the next town. Maybe Chandrabhan would be able to help him.The learned man's house stood in the middle of a big farm. As he entered the farm, Dhyan Singh saw Chandrabhan trying to catch his horse, which had escaped from the stable. The horse wouldn't return when called, and continued to gallop around merrily. As Dhyan Singh watched, Chandrabhan picked up the horse's food basket. Though it was empty, the scholar pretended it was full of oats. The horse, deceived by the sight of the familiar food basket, followed Chandrabhan right back into the stable. As the scholar was tying up the horse, Dhvan Singh turned to leave. Chandrabhan's servant came running after him. "Sir, he said, 'my master has sent me to ask you why you are leaving. You came to ask him for some advice, right? Why have you changed your mind?' Dhyan Singh replied, '1 know your master is a very learned man. But I saw with my own eyes that he is not honest even with his horse which loves and trusts him. How can I trust his advice about honesty?"

1.how can dhyan chand persuade the other traders to become honest?disscuss your ideas


I hope it will help you so please mark me as brainliest

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