Q25. Arrange the following in order of property mentioned against each -
i)CH3 - CH2 - COOH, (CH3)2 CHCOOH & 312
(CH3) 3C COOH [Increasing acidic strength]
CH3CH2COOH is most acidic among given options.
● Explanation -
- An inductive effect is an electronic effect due to the polarisation of σ bonds within a molecule or ion.
- Acidic strength of a compound is increased by +I effect and decreased by +I effect.
- As alkyl groups show positive inductive effect, addition of alkyl groups decreases acidic strength of a compound.
- Therefore, decreasing order of acidic strength is -
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CH3CH2COOH is most acidic among given options.
● Explanation -
- An inductive effect is an electronic effect due to the polarisation of σ bonds within a molecule or ion.
- Acidic strength of a compound is increased by +I effect and decreased by +I effect.
- As alkyl groups show positive inductive effect, addition of alkyl groups decreases acidic strength of a compound.
- Therefore, decreasing order of acidic strength is -
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