Q28. Rohan was very angry because of the oil spot on his favourite shirt. His mother want to make him happy and doesn't know what to do. Her neighbour Mrs Sharma advised him to use bleach (bleaching powder, CaOCl2) to remove the oil spot. Read the above passage and answer the following questions.
(i) Would you suggest the same thing to remove oil spot? Why or why not? Justify your answer.
(ii) Which substance, is available in the market to remove such spots ?
(iii) What values are associated with Mrs Sharma ?
a - Since bleach is a detergent it removes the stain easily.
b - A solvent or a detergent can remove it.
c - Mrs Sharma showed the values of being helpful to others. We should always help others when their in need.
(i) I would not suggest bleach at first as it can ruin the fabric. Bleach is a very powerful chlorine based detergent that is harmful to clothes.
But if there are no other choices at hand, I would probably recommend using bleach.
(ii) There laundry detergent powder and soaps available in the market to be used in purposes like this.
(iii) Mrs. Sharma is quick in response to being helpful when in need. Her advices are good and can be helpful.
Although bleach is a good advice it probably is not the best one for removing oil stain from clothes.