Q2e. Write down the moral of the story. *?
So I don’t write with a specific moral in mind. As a result I don’t expect a reader to find a moral. One reader, a child took me by surprise however. My mother gave him one of my books as a birthday present. The book is about a fire engine and a giraffe who become good friends. The giraffe wants to be a firefighter like the fire engine. After the book was read to him he asked his mother what the moral of the story is. It appears that that’s something that is always discussed after a book is read and hence the question. Of course there is no intended moral as such and so the mother did not find it. So when the child posed the question, the mother directed the question back to him, not really giving it a thought. The child replied “The moral of the story is that one must be kind to one’s friends.”
Children have the most unexpected perceptions of stories that in many ways are bound to make you wonder where and when you lost all that keen sense of perception. They have a knack of identifying emotions and judging if those emotions are good or bad. It seems like they have some sort of sixth sense.
“Children have the most unexpected perceptions of stories that in many ways are bound to make you wonder where and when you lost all that keen sense of perception.”