Q3) Classify the following transactions into Personal, Real & Nominal accounts. 5 marks
Repairs A/c 2) salary A/c 3) Computer A/c
4) Machinery A/c 5) IDBI bank 6) Foresight college of Commerce A/c 7) Freight A/c 8) outstanding salary A/c 9) Loss by Fire A/c 10 ) Interest received A/c
Classify the following transactions into Personal, Real & Nominal accounts.
1) Repairs A/c, 2) salary A/c, 3) Computer A/c, 4) Machinery A/c, 5) IDBI bank, 6) Foresight college of Commerce A/c, 7) Freight A/c, 8) outstanding salary A/c, 9) Loss by Fire A/c, 10) Interest received A/c.
- Personal A/C:
Foresight college of Commerce A/c
Outstanding salary A/c
- Real A/C:
Computer A/c
Machinery A/c
- Nominal A/C:
Repairs A/c
Salary A/c
Freight A/c
Loss by Fire A/c
Interest received A/c
Extra Information:
- What is Personal Account?
The accounts representing a person and/or group of people with whom a business deals, is called personal account.
- What is Real Account?
The accounts representing assets and properties owned by the business concerns.
- What is Nominal Account?
The accounts of expenses and losses & income and gains are called as Nominal accounts.
Golden Rules of Debit and Credit :
Personal Account:
• Debit the reciever
• Credit the giver
Real Account:
• Debit what comes in
• Credit what goes out
Nominal Account:
• Debit all expenses and losses
• Credit all incomes and gains
Question :-
Classify the following transactions into Personal, Real & Nominal Account :
1) Repairs A/c
2) Salary A/c
3) Computer A/c
4) Machinery A/c
5) IDBI Bank
6) Foresight College of Commerce A/c
7) Freight A/c
8) Outstanding Salary A/c
9) Loss by Fire A/c
10) Interest received A/c
Solution :-
5) IDBI Bank
- 6) Foresight College of Commerce A/c
- 8) Outstanding Salary A/c
- 3) Computer A/c
- 4) Machinery A/c
- 1) Repairs A/c
- 2) Salary A/c
- 7) Freight A/c
- 9) Loss by Fire A/c
- 10) Interest received A/c
Extra Information :-
➲ Account :
- An account is a T shape format having two sides.
- Left hard side is called debit (Dr.).
- Right hard side is called credit (Cr.).
1) Personal Account :-
- The accounts which relate to an individual, firm, company or an institution are called personal account.
2) Real Account :-
- The accounts of all those things whose value can be measured in terms of money and which are the properties of the business are called real account.
There are two types of real account :-
- Tangible Real Account
- Intangible Real Account
3) Nominal Account -
- The accounts which are in name only and which do not really exist is called nominal account.