English, asked by mahimanishad4006, 2 months ago

Q3. Draft a speech on the following: Write a speech on the topic 'What can I do for India?"​


Answered by vaidehijoshicute538


A speech for what I can do for India-

India is my motherland and I am a proud citizen of this democratic nation. This country has provided me with the right to elect and hold fundamental rights that describes the importance of citizen for this country.

As responsible and concerned citizens of India, we must safeguard this land from sources that can be harmful to our culture, heritage, environment, and resources. At the same time, we have to be dynamic and open-minded to the changes and progress that technology offers us. Cultural and social motion is permanent with time.

We can emphasize the protection of women to make India the safest country. We can manage the irresponsible use of resources to make our country sustainable for the future generation. We can cooperate and control the pollution that is caused by man-made activities. We can raise awareness to preserve greeneries, forests, and trees.

Our harmonized efforts will be successful and India will remain as beautiful as it is today.


Answered by geetasunil62


Honourable Chief Guest, Respected Headmaster and Teachers, and My Dear Friends,

It is my privilege today to speak to you on a topic that is dear to my heart. What can I do for India? I have often thought about this question and have tried to find the answer in many ways.

When I joined the Rotaract club and we arranged a free eye checking camp for the poor of our locality, I got part of the answer. When I assisted the students of the Junior College in their Adult Education Shibir, again I got part of the answer.

In fact, when you come think of it, there are so many things that we as students can do to make this country a better place. Our main concern, I think, is in seeing that medical care and education reach those who do not have access to them. If we, as students, can do our little bit in these two fields, we are contributing much to the betterment and progress of India. Another field we can concentrate on is cleanliness and its awareness. We can conduct Cleanliness Campaign frequently in our localities. We can go from house to house telling people about the proper way of garbage disposal. We can also dissuade them from using plastic. In addition to these, we must take up tree plantation programmes with the help of the local municipal officers. There is so much to do, And such a lot that is not being done.

The Indian student force is very large. It runs into millions. Just think, how much and how soon our country would improve if every student takes up just one of these tasks I have mentioned seriously.

I have made up my mind to involve myself in as many social projects as possible for the good of my countrymen. I hope my friends in this school will be with me. We will together work towards making a stronger and happier India.


I hope it helps you mate

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