Q3. Explain Managerial Grid
developed by Blake and Mouton.
How does it help in identifying
leadership styles in orginazation?
Definition :- Robert Blake and Jane Mouton have developed the Managerial Grid, also called as a leadership grid. According to them, the leadership styles can be identified on the basis of manager’s concern for people and production. Here, concern for people means the degree to which an individual is committed towards the goal achievement, maintaining self-esteem to workers and satisfying interpersonal relationships. Whereas, the concern for production means an attitude of superiors towards the quality of procedures and policies, creativeness of research, effectiveness of staff, work efficiency and volume of output.
Mouton, the Managerial Grid Model helps Managers to analyze their leadership styles through a technique known as grid training. Concern for production: This is the degree to which a leader emphasizes concrete objectives, organizational efficiency, and high productivity when deciding how best to accomplish a task.