English, asked by shahidabdal83, 6 months ago

Q3. Make a precis of the given passage:
Discipline is of the utmost importance in student life. If the young students do not obey their
superiors and go without discipline, they will be deprived of much of the training they should
have at this, and in futurethey will never be able to extract obedience from others in society:
Society will not accept them as persons fit for commanding and taking up any responsible
positions in life. So it is the duty of all students to observe discipline in the preparatory stage
of their lives. A college without disciplinecan never impart suitable education to students. The
role of discipline in the playground and the battlefield as well plays a very important role. A
team without discipline may not farç well in spite of good players for want of mutual
understanding and cooperation. In any army everyone from the rank of the Journal down to
the ranks of an ordinary soldier must observe discipline. In case' a soldier does not obey his-
immediate superior the army becomes a rabble. quite unfit for the achievement of the
common ends of war. At first sight it may appear to us that discipline takes away individual
liberty. But on analysis it is found that it does not do so, for liberty is not a license. We find
disciplined liberty at the root of all kinds of human happiness.
-14 marks​


Answered by Tanuj4527


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