Q3. Many aspects
indian culture
scientiwch are not
Snown to many people
So explore and try to
explains science behind these Indian traditions and answer
1. Namaskar/Namaste: Joining Palms Together
Namaskar or Namaste is an Indian style of greeting people; it is a way Hindus give respect to others. While joining two palms together, people join the tips of all the fingers together, which further create pressure on points of ears, eyes, and mind. Pressing them together is said to turn on the pressure points which helps us remember that person for a long time. This also ensures that people do not get germs as they don’t shake hands.
2. Throwing Coins Into A River
This practice is normally found in many countries apart from India. But there is science behind this tradition; in ancient times, people used the currency of copper. This metal is vital for our body; by throwing copper coins in the water, people used to consume copper through the drinking water obtained from the river.
3. Why Do Temples Have Bells?
Ring of bells clears our mind and helps us stay focused on our worship. The bells are made of special technique; the sound of these bells creates a unity in the left and right portions in our brains. When we ring the bell, the echo of sound lasts for a minimum of 7 seconds; during these 7 seconds, our body activates all the seven healing centres. This removes all negative thoughts from our mind.
4. Why We Start With Spice and End With Sweet?
Our meals start off with spice and end with some sweet. According to science, spice activates the digestive juices and acids to boost our digestive system efficiently; sweets contain carbohydrates that bring down the digestive process. Therefore, sweets are always served at the end of meals.
5. Why Do We Touch Feet of Our Elders?
Cosmic energy flows in our body from one end to another; it is connected between two minds and hearts. It is this energy that is transferred through handshakes and hugs; moreover, the cosmic energy gathers at our fingertips, and therefore, when we touch feet of our elderly, it is transferred to the one who touches the feet. In this manner, fingers of hands become receptor and fingers of feet become a giver of energy.
and many more......
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