Q3 Shyam being very inquisitive, didn’t listen to the teacher’s instruction properly. He took the thin layer of onion peel with a drop of water on the glass slide. He placed the coverslip on it and start observing the slide under a microscope. But he was unable to see the cells of onion peel properly. 1 What do you think he might have forgotten
Explanation:dye=methylene blue/saffranin
Staining not performed
To observe onion peel under microscope there are few procedure that needs to be followed.
Transparent membranous structure of the onion should be peeled off with the help of forceps.
Add the peel in water.
Next it should be stained with safranin
After staining wash the leaf with water and with the help of brush place is on a clean surface
With the help of blotting paper remove the excess of water.
Now transfer it on a slide and add a drop of glycerine or oil and place the coverslip (try to avoid bubbles)
Remove the extra glycerine or oil with the help of blotting paper.
Your slide is ready to examine under microscope.
The reason why Shyam was unable to see the slide under microscope was because he did not perform step 3 to 7 while performing the practical. And most importantly he did not perform staining procedure. Staining help us to differential cells of the organism under microscope.