Biology, asked by sekhar64, 10 months ago

Q31. In five kingdom classification, the main basis of classification is:

(a) Structure of nucleus (b) Structure of cell membrane

(c) Mode of nutrition (d) Asexual reproduction

Q32. Spirogyra mats show an unusual phototactic movement towards:

(a) Blue light (b) Yellow light

(c) Orange light (d) Red light

Q33. Choose the correct pair

(a) Cycas- Simple leaf (b) Dryopteris- pyrenoid

(c) Saccharomyces- pseudomycelium (d) Funaria- gemma cup

Q34. A type of modified sub-aerial stem is:

(a) Thorn (b) Runner

(c) Tuber (d) Cladode

Q35. Name the type of aestivation when sepals or petals in a whorl just touch one another at the

margin without overlapping:

(a)Twisted (b) Imbricate

(c) Valvate (d) Vexillary

Q36. A group of similar plants which breed freely among themselves constitute a:

(a) Species (b) Genus

(c) Family (d) Order

Q37. Monadelphous stamen is the unique character of:

(a) Fabaceae (b) Brassicaceae

(c) Asteraceae (d) Malvaceae

Q38. Which one among the following will settle down at last during centrifugation?

(a) Chloroplast (b) Mitochondria

(c) Ribosomes (d) Nuclei

Q39. Which of the following constitutes approximately 8%-15% of the cell wall in higher


(a) Proteins (b) Lipids

(c) Carbohydrates (d) Flavonoids

Q40. Enzymes increase the rate of reaction by:
(a) Lowering the free energy of activation (b) Increasing the free energy change of

the reaction

(c) Changing the equilibrium constant (d) Change the direction of reactions

of the reaction


Answered by abhinav27122001

Q.31) Answer: c) Mode of Nutrition.

Q.32) Answer: a) Blue Light.

Q.33) Answer: d) Funaria-Gemma cups

Q.34) Answer: b) Runner

Q.35) Answer: c) Valvate

Q.36) Answer: a) Species

Q.37) Answer: d) Malvaceae

Q.38) Answer: d) Nuclei since it is the heaviest cell organelle

Q.39) Answer: Not sure but coud be either a) or b). It can't be carbohydrate as it is present in greater amounts (as cellulose) in the cell wall.

Q.40) Answer: (a) Lowering the free energy of activation.

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