English, asked by harithayalagapudi, 9 months ago

Q37.Being the monitor of the team,write a notice in forming students regarding

theDebate on thetopic"TheNecessity of EducationalTrips".​


Answered by ssgh25


Netaji Subhas Open University is one of the premier State Open Universities in Indiaestablished in the year 1997 by a State Act (W. B. Act XIX) of 1997 and recognizedby the University Grants Commission and Distance Education Council. Consequent uponthe RTE Act 2009, the Govt. of West Bengal in its Higher and School EducationDepartments has decided to introduce B.Ed. programme in the Open and DistanceLearning mode (ODL) to train up the in-service untrained teachers teaching at the upperprimary level in the State. Accordingly, by its Memo No. 180-Edn. (U)/1U-97 /12 Dated5th February, 2013 the Govt of West Bengal identified Netaji Subhas Open University(NSOU) as the only nodal University capable of implementing the programme all over thestate of West Bengal. The Govt. of West Bengal also decided to adopt the Curriculum,Syllabus and Self Instructional Materials (SIM) of a reputed University who has theupdated curriculum, syllabus and standard SIMs. Therefore, NSOU approached theNational Council for Teacher Education authorities for their approval of the programmeand they were kind enough to accord their approval vide no. 48-18/2012/NCTE/N&S;Dtd. 19. 03. 2013. After rigorous exercise at the national level the curriculum, syllabus andSIMs of Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) have been identified and accordinglyadopted through the signing of a tripartite MoU among KSOU, Department of HigherEducation, GOWB and NSOU. NSOU further approached NCTE for their approval forusing the KSOU course curriculum and self learning materials and the authorities of NCTEwere kind enough to allow NSOU to use the study materials of KSOU vide no. 48-18/ 2012/NCTE/NS Dt.9th July 2013.The study materials as received are reprinted at ourend. The study materials are reproduced for exclusive use by the Counsellors and StudentTeachers of the programme. It is expected that Counsellors, Student Teachers and allconcerned will receive benefit from it and make the most of it.Teacher Education is an important discipline gaining further momentum as both Govt.of India and Govt.

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