Math, asked by bhaskarkalawat6025, 3 months ago

Q4. Classify the following numbers as divisible by 2,3,4,5,9,10.


Answered by amitnrw

Given : Numbers

128, 342, 405, 510, 616, 840, 918, 1440, 1523

To Find :  divisible by 2,3,4,5,9,10


divisible by 2

if unit digit is 0 , 2 ,4  , 6 or 8

128 , 342 , 510 , 616 , 840  , 918 , 1440  

divisible by 3

If Sum of Digits is divisible by 3

342, 405, 510,  840, 918, 1440

divisible by 4

if number formed by last 2 digits is divisible by 4

128,  616, 840,   1440

divisible by 5

if unit digit is 0 or 5

405, 510,  840,  1440

divisible by 9

If Sum of Digits is divisible by 9

342, 405,   918, 1440

divisible by 10

if unit digit is 0  

 510,  840,  1440

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