Q4. In our daily life we all use honey in
various ways. Write 3 ways how you use it
in your home.
this is the answer
mark me braniliest
Everywhere I have lived, I have sought out raw local sources of honey for use in my kitchen, as well as for other medicinal purposes. I am also beginning to do my own research on keeping bees — partially because I use so much honey and partially because I find it absolutely amazing that bees provide us with this wonderful gift that I want to watch them work up close and personal.
I am not alone in my awe of honey. Ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, Chinese, Romans and Greeks used honey for treating wounds and to heal conditions of the gut. Hippocrates himself used honey and vinegar for pain, honey and water for thirst, and honey mixed with water and other substances for fever.
Using it as a face pack
Using it as a mode of sweetness
Reduces throat irritation