French, asked by meclasher, 10 months ago

Q4. Mettez les phrases au futur proche. 1. Je mets une actrice francaise. _______ 2. Nous allonsau parc.________ 3. Il donne des fleurs a la fille._________ 4. Les femmes achètent beaucoup de bijoux. _________ 5. Ils visitent le monument fameux.__________​


Answered by Barbie358


There is different ways of expressing a future event in French or talking about what is going to happen,

you can use futur proche (near-future) or futur simple (future tense). The futur proche is is commonly used

in spoken French (more than futur simple).

You can use the futur proche, for an action which is imminent or in the near future.

Le train va arriver The train → is going to arrive.

You can also use futur proche, to express more distant future events, with a time specified.

Ils vont habiter au Japon dans trois ans. They → will live in Japon in three years.

To form the futur proche, you use the present tense of the verb ALLER followed directly by an infinitive.

For the negation : subject + NE / N' + ALLER at present tense + PAS + INFINITIVE

For pronominal verbs : subject + ALLER at present tense + PRONOUN + INFINITIVE


Go through these rules of affirmative sentences you will get the answer


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Answered by student8008


1. J'ai mettre une actrice francaise

2. Nous allons aller au parc

3. Il a donner des fleurs a la fille.
4. Les ont fermer acheter beacoup de bijoux

5. Ils ont visiter le monument fameux

Explanation:these answers are wrong pls dont refer to them

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