Social Sciences, asked by dtg52, 6 months ago

Q41. What were the differences between the theory of Liberals and Conservatives?


Q48. What were the causes behind the French Revolution ?

Q51 (A) On the outline map of the world, mark the following: 2)

Q42. What are the ditferences between Market and Non- Market activities? 3)

Q43. What is Multiple Cropping System? 3)

Q49. Differentiate between Physical Capital and Human Capital.

Q44. What are the main functions of Election Commission of India? 3)

Q 45. Define Preamble, apartheid and polling booth. (3)

Q50. What is an Election? Discuss the importance of Elections in a democracy.

Q46. What are the three important factors which influence the mechanism of climate ?

Explain them with the help of diagrams.

Q47. Distinguish between Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats.

Q51 (B) On an outline map of India, located and label the following:

(OCbota Nagpur Plateau () Ni Giti Hils​


Answered by Anonymous


41.Generally, liberals were more likely to be secular, single and in possession of a college degree while less likely to own a gun. Conservatives, most of whom adhere to social as well as fiscal conservatism, tended to be more religious and more likely to be married, employed and own firearms.

48.The upheaval was caused by widespread discontent with the French monarchy and the poor economic policies of King Louis XVI, who met his death by guillotine, as did his wife Marie Antoinette.

42.1) Non market activities are those activities primarily undertaken for the purpose of self-consumption. ... 2) The output of the non market activities is neither for sale in the market nor for earning profit. These activities can be for consumption and processing of primary products for one's own use.

43.In agriculture, multiple cropping or multicropping is the practice of growing two or more crops in the same piece of land during one growing season instead of just one crop.

49.Physical capital implies the non-human assets of the company, such as plant and machinery, tools and equipment, office supplies etc. that help in the process of production. Human capital refers to stock of knowledge, talent, skills and abilities brought in by the employee, to the organization.

44.The Election Commission prepares, maintains and periodically updates the Electoral Rolls, which show who is entitled to vote, supervises the nomination of candidates, registers political parties, monitors the election campaign, including the funding and exponential by candidates.

45. Preamble means a preliminary or preparatory statement; an introduction.

apartheid means segregation on grounds other than race.

polling booth means a compartment with one open side in which one voter at a time stands to mark their ballot paper.

50. election means a formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position

The importance of elections in India—and for that matter, in any democracy—is as follows:

Choice of leadership: Elections provide a way for the citizens of India to choose their leaders. They do so by casting their vote in favour of the candidate or party whose views appeal to them. This ensures that the will of the people is reflected in the elected candidates.

Change of leadership: Elections in India are also a platform for the public to voice their resentment against a ruling party. By voting for other parties and helping elect a different government, citizens demonstrate that they possess ultimate authority.

Political participation: Elections open the door for new issues to be raised in public. If a citizen of India wishes to introduce reforms that are not the agenda of any of the parties, he or she is free to contest the elections either independently or by forming a new political party.

Self-corrective system: Because elections are a regular exercise, occurring every five years in India, the ruling parties are kept in check and made to consider the demands of the public. This works as a self-corrective system whereby political parties review their performance and try to appease the voters.

With a population of over 1.2 billion (according to the 2011 census) spread across 28 states and 7 union territories, India has a system of elections that is both daunting and praiseworthy.

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