English, asked by vishakhasharma527, 9 months ago

Q5. Imagine yourself
poets brother. How would you resolve the matter​


Answered by manojutekar165


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The Quarrel Class 6 CBSE English Poem Summary, Explanation

By Jyoti Verma

The Quarrel - CBSE Class 6 NCERT English Honeysuckle Book Poem 3, Explanation, Summary, Difficult words

The Quarrel Class 6 English Honeysuckle Book Poem 3 - Detailed explanation of the Poem along with the meanings of difficult words. Also, the explanation is followed by the literary devices used and a Summary of the Poem. All the exercises and Question and Answers given at the back of the Poem has been covered.

Class 6 English (Honeysuckle Book) Poem 3 - The Quarrel

By Eleanor Farjeon

the quarrel

The Quarrel Poem Introduction

Generally, brothers and sisters quarrel with each other. It is a very common situation. Many a times they quarrel with each other without any reason. Their quarrels begin over very small, petty issues and how with a small kind act the quarrels end. It is very mystic and beautiful. So let’s read this poem to feel the same.

The Quarrel Poem Summary

The poet is trying to explain how a quarrel between two brothers began and ended without any reason. The poet says that he quarrelled with his brother over something and he was not even aware why he was quarelling about. One thing was giving way to another and while fighting both of them fell down. Initially, it was a small, petty issue but gradually, it became serious.The poet was claiming to be right whereas at heart he knew that he was wrong. Both of them didn’t like one another. In the afternoon, something went wrong.Then, suddenly, his brother hit him on the back and asked him to come along as it is not possible or right to linger the issues throughout the night. He also claimed to be on the wrong side. So he was actually right. It shows his generosity.

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