Science, asked by arshad6901, 7 hours ago


23.What is stimulus?

24.What is the function of cerebrum in human brain?

25.What is rickets?

26.What is malnutrition?

27.What are minerals? Give two examples of minerals.


28.How are sensory nerves different from motor nerves?

29.How can disease spread through insect bites? Give example.

30.What do you understand by coal and petroleum? Describe their formation.



31.State various properties of air.

32.How can you use a fire extinguisher?

33.Why should we not throw water on fire caused by petrol?

34.What is rabies?

35.What are simple machines?

36.What do you understand by wheel and axel?


37.Explain the steps involved for treatment of water supplied in the cities.

38.Explain the process of distillation with a suitable diagram.

39.What first aid should be given in case of cuts and wounds?

40.What are levers? Describe different types of levers?

41.Distinguish between fixed and movable pulley.

Q10. Describe an experiment to show that oxygen is necessary for burning. [5]​


Answered by FalakWarsi19


1) a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue .

2) It is the largest part of the brain and is composed of right and left hemispheres . It performs higher functions like interpreting touch , vision and hearing , as well as speech , recognising , etc

3) A disease of children caused by vitamin D deficiency .

4) Malnutrition refers to deficiencies , excesses or imbalance in a person's intake of energy and / or nutrients.

5) Minerals are substance which are naturally formed in the Earth . Ex- Gold , Silver , Mercury , etc.

6) Sensory nerves contain only afferent fibres , long dendrites of sensory neurones . Motor nerves have only efferent fibers , long axons of motor neurones .

7) Insect borne disease are viral and bacterial illnesses.

8) Coal and petroleum are formed by the millions years ago plants matter that now become a petroleum and coal.

The properties of air are -:

Air takes up space

  • Air has a mass
  • Air is affected by heat
  • Air can be compressed
  • Air affected by altitude

10) Pull

  • Aim
  • Squeeze
  • sweep

11) As water is heavier than petrol therfore slips down permitting the petrol to rise . That's why it's harmful for us .

12) A deadly virus spread to people from the saliva of infected animals.

13) Any simple device which is not having moving part .

14) The wheel and axel is a machine consisting of a wheel attached to smaller axle .

I don't know the answers of 9 no

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