English, asked by sanusingh9014, 3 months ago

Q8.Translate the following into English. (16)
आशा के बिना मानव जीवन असंभव है | यदि आशा न होती , तो मनुष्य का जीवन बड़ा बोझिल और
दुखमय हो जाता | विद्यार्थी साल भर कड़ा परिश्रम करते हैं केवल इसी आशा पर कि वे सफलता का मुख देखेंगे ।
एक किसान घोर उष्णता और शीत का तनिक भी ध्यान नहीं करता | इसी प्रकार व्यापारी लोग व्यापार में धन
लगाते हैं केवल इसी आशा का आश्रय लेकर ताकि उनका व्यापार उनके लिए लाभकारी सिद्ध हो | तभी तो बुद्धिमान
तथा महापुरुषों ने आशा को मानव रुपी जहाज का संबल कहा ।
of the following tonirs in about 150 words​


Answered by SparshaM


Translations from hindi to English are written below

  • Without hope life is impossible.
  • If there was no hope, life would become very cumbersome and will be sad.
  • Students work hard with hope throughout the year to achieve success.
  • Even a farmer doesn't give attention to extreme heat and cold.
  • Similarly businessmen invest money in trade with hope so that his investment turns into beneficial for them.
  • That is why according to wise men ironically hope means ship of human life.

Answered by HappyJohn

Translation of the paragraph into English:

1. Life of a man is not possible without hope.

2. If there were no hope in people, then the life of people would be a very burdensome and painful one.

3. Students study hard and work hard whole year only with the hope of being successful.

4. Likewise, a farmer never pays attention to extreme cold or hot weather.

5. Similarly, even the businessmen invests money on their business only with the hope of being successful in their business.

6. That's why great people and wise people considers hope as the ship of life of humans.

Questions on translation to English:



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