English, asked by dentaljayant, 4 months ago

Q9. Write the meaning of the following words: (1x5=5)
a. surged b. Afford c. Halted d. Promptly e. Fruition​


Answered by eakansh2006


Explanation:efinition of answer (Entry 1 of 2)

1a: something spoken or written in reply to a question

His answer surprised us.

b: a correct response

knows the answer

2: a reply to a legal charge or suit : PLEA

also : DEFENSE

3: something done in response or reaction

His only answer was to walk out.

4: a solution of a problem

More money is not the answer.

5: one that imitates, matches, or corresponds to another

The show is television's answer to the newsmagazines.

answer verb

answered; answering\ ˈan(t)s-​riŋ  , ˈan(t)-​sə-​ \

Definition of answer (Entry 2 of 2)

intransitive verb

1: to speak or write in reply

think carefully before answering

2a: to be or make oneself responsible or accountable

answer for a debt

b: to make amends : ATONE

He must answer for his crimes.

3: to be in conformity or correspondence

She answered to the description.

4: to act in response to an action performed elsewhere or by another

The home team scored first but the visitors answered quickly.

5: to be adequate : SERVE

an old bucket answered for a sink

The school had to answer for a town hall.

transitive verb

1a: to speak or write in reply to

answer a question

answer me

b: to say or write by way of reply

answer yes or no

2: to reply to in rebuttal, justification, or explanation

answer an accusation

3a: to correspond to

answers the description

b: to be adequate or usable for : FULFILL

answer a need

4: to act in response to

answered the call to arms

5: to offer a solution for

especially : SOLVE

answer a riddle

6obsolete : to atone for

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answerer \ ˈan(t)-​sər-​ər  \ noun

Synonyms & Antonyms for answer

Synonyms: Noun

comeback, rejoinder, replication, reply, response, retort, return

Synonyms: Verb

come back, rejoin, reply, respond, retort, return, riposte

Antonyms: Noun

inquiry, query, question

Antonyms: Verb

ask, inquire, question

Answered by shubham9325


a)surged-(of a crowd or a natural force) move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward.

b) Afford-have enough money to pay for.

c) Halted-to cease marching or journeying

d)Promptly-with little or no delay; immediately

e)Fruition-the realization or fulfilment of a plan or project

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