Environmental Sciences, asked by milikpathania, 1 month ago

Q9.Write the significance of the following in human digestive system:
a. Teeth b. Oesophagus c. HCI


Answered by Anonymous

a. Teeth

✈️Your teeth play a vital role in your eating and speaking abilities. Teeth chew your food – also known as mastication – the process of cutting, tearing, and grinding the food in the mouth and mix it with the saliva so it can be swallowed easily before it enters your body. This process is considered as the mechanical process of digestion.

Because of the hard surfaces of your teeth and the enamel that covers it, as well as the different shape that each type of the teeth has, it becomes more adapted to all actions of swallowing, hence, makes the grinding process more efficient and effective.

In a broader sense, each type of teeth performs specific roles that make the mechanical process of digestion easier.

When you eat, your food is mixed with your saliva first; this is how the mastication process starts.

b. Oesophagus

✈️Your oesophagus is an important part of your digestive system and your digestive tract. Your digestive tract is a series of hollow organs that carry food from your mouth to your anus. The food you eat can't be used for energy until your digestive system breaks it down into small molecules that your body can absorb.

When your mouth forces fluid or chewed food into your throat, your brain begins the process of swallowing. You use your voluntary nervous system to start a swallow. Your involuntary nervous system takes over your swallowing once the liquid or food enters the top of your esophagus.

Stretching from food or liquid stimulates the smooth muscles that make up the walls of your esophagus. This stimulates a dense network of nerves inside your muscles. These nerves, known as intrinsic nerves, start a coordinated muscle action called peristalsis. Peristalsis squeezes your esophageal muscles from top to bottom. This pushes food and liquid along. If you could see peristalsis, it would look like a wave passing down your esophagus.

c. HCl

✈️HCl is one of the gastric juices secreted by stomach.

HCl converts the inactive enzyme pepsinogen into its active form pepsin. Pepsin digests proteins and breaks them into amino acids.

HCl also kills harmful pathogens or particles in our food when it reaches the stomach through the gastrointestinal duct.

Answered by priya896663


teeth is helpful as it is used to cut down the food into simpler form which can digest easily.

oesophagus is also known as food pipe which connect our stomach to mouth and when we chew the food oesophagus take the food to our stomach were digestion takes place.

hcl is helpful as when food is in our stomach hcl helps to digest it...as we have observe that when we put eno in water as bubbles come same when hcl is produced the food which is in our stomach get down in more simpler substances.


hope so helped u:)

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