Science, asked by rr4904505, 6 months ago

Qi How do plants.contribute to


Answered by somopriya13


Plants are thought to transfer moisture from the soil into the air by evaporation from their leaves, and hold water in the soil close to the surface, where it can also evaporate. ...

ishaand0305: Very bad , you fool
Answered by ishaand0305


Yes, it’s true. Trees make rain!

Scientists have evidence supporting the widespread perception that vegetation is an important factor in rainfall patterns.

Plants release microbes and other microparticles, enabling water to condense and form clouds.

Vegetation stores water and increases water infiltration and storage in soil. With less runoff, more water is kept in our catchments for evaporation from the soil, leaf surfaces, and transpiration of water by plants. Cloud cover increases, boosting rainfall and reducing temperatures.

On average, 40% or more of the precipitation over land originates from evaporation and transpiration.[4] When forests are replaced by pasture or crops, less water is evaporated from soil and vegetation, suppressing precipitation.[5] Large-scale deforestation reduces rainfall in some areas by up to 30%.

When we grow more vegetation over large areas rainfall increases and transports moisture inland – the Biotic pump theory. Reliable rainfall in continental interiors of Africa, Australia and elsewhere, may, therefore, be dependent on “maintaining relatively intact and continuous forest cover from the coast”.

"Trees are giant air conditioners with no power bills” Daisy Ouya

Here’s some of the evidence

For more than 60% of the tropical land surface, the air that has passed over extensive vegetation in the preceding few days produces at least twice as much rain as air that has passed over little vegetation.

In southwest Australia, more rain used to fall on the western side of a 750 km long fence built to exclude rabbits. Today, however, the land on the eastern side of the barrier gets higher rainfall than the west side. The reason being on the west side, most of the vegetation has been cleared for arable cropping.

  • More trees more rain.
  • Image of front cover
  • If you’re asking yourself – “what’s the best thing I can do to drought-proof my land?” – you’ll get the answers in the Drought-proof your farm.
  • Standard drought-proofing practices are not enough. Engineering techniques like Natural Sequence Farming and Keyline are acclaimed solutions.
  • There is, however, a remarkably simple solution that tends to get overlooked – increasing water infiltration and storage in soil
  • It gets the rain measured in your rain gauge into your soil, rather than running off. Is economical to implement right across your farm, provides extra stock feed and opportunities to increase your income streams.


Hope this answer helps you , my dear friend .

Please mark it as "Brainliest" answer .

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