QII. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Which of these is/are the unit(s) of heat energy?
Joule / Calorie / both (a) & (b) /none
2. Heat causes
Change in state / expansion / change in temperature / all of these
3. Ventilation in rooms occurs due to:
Conduction /convection /radiation /all of these
4.Heat from the sun reaches us due to:
Conduction / convection / radiation /all of these
5. Which of the following expands most on heating?
Sand /solids / water / gases
Answered by
1 calorie = 4.2 j
1J = 1 kg m2s–2
put the value we get =>
1 calorie =4.2 kg m2s–2 = 4.2 × (1 kg) × (1 m2) × (1 s–2) …(1)
Given that
Unit of mass equals α kg => 1 kg mass = 1/α mass
Unit of length equals β m => 1 m length = 1/ β length
Unit of time is γs => 1 s time = 1/ γ time
Put the values in equation (1), we get
New unit of mass = α kg
=4.2 × (1 kg) × (1 m2) × (1 s–2)
= 4.2 × (1/ α ) × (1/ β ) 2 × (1/ γ) –2
= 4.2 × ( α–1 ) × (β–1 ) 2 × ( γ–1) –2
=4.2 α–1 β–2 γ2
you only had to tick it
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