QIII. Write the verbs from the following sentences
a. They are eating mangoes.
11 :
b. The children danced with joy.
QIV. Write the plural of :-
a. Toy - Toys
b. Watch _ Waters
Question (iii)
a) They are eating mangoes.
verb - eating
b) The children danced with joy.
verb - danced
Question (iv)
a) toys
b) watchs
(III) Write the verbs from the following sentence
1. They are eating mangoes.
Here the verb is eating
2. The children danced with joy.
Here the verb is danced
Answer → It is a word that expresses an action or occurrence.
→ Action Verb :- expresses an action that the subject of a sentence does, did in the past, or will do in the future.
- Every sentence must have both a subject and a verb to be complete.
Some of the words are :-
- run
- jump
- go
- think
- do
- live
- study
- decide
For example:-
- Miram (subject) thought (verb) about what she had done
- Naina leapt (verb) over the couch
→ Linking verb ≠ action verb :- connects a subject to the other words in a sentence that describes it or that provide additional information.
Some of the words are :-
- appear
- be (am, is, are, was, were)
- become
- feel
- get
- look
- seem
- smell
- sound
- taste
For example :-
- My sister is (linking verb) nervous
→ Helping verb (Auxiliary verb) :- the part of a verb phrase that helps the main verb.
- It might show when an action occurs or whether the action is required
Some of the words are :-
- be
- do
- have
- can
- may
- must
- should
- will
For example :-
- You should have (verb phrase) gotten (helping verb) in the other line.
- The students must (helping verb) complete (helping verb) their work today.
(IV) Write the plural form of :-
a. Toy - Toys
b. Watch - Watches
Answer → A noun that names more than one person, animal, place or thing is called a plural noun.
- They are used to denote two or more of something
For example :-
- cat - cats
- School - Schools
- Restaurant - Restaurants
- Pig - Pigs