English, asked by guptadevyani7, 7 months ago

QL Read the passage and answer the quotions that follows (1«5 Smarks)
India is a country of vast geographical expense India is marked by a diversity of
physical features such as mountains plateaus, plans oasis and islands. In the
north it is bound by the lofty Himna syas. The northempans, Great Indian Desert.
the peninsular plateau and the great Hima ayas are the main physical divisions of
India. There are seven countries that share land boundaries with India These
countries are-ChinaPakistan, Nepal, Bhutan Bangladesh Myanmar and
Alghanistan The country is divided into 29 stales and 7 Union temtories Telangana
became the 29th state of india on 2 June 2014 Rajasthan is the largest and Goa is
the smallest state in terms of area. There are a number of east lowing hvers
Mahanadi, Kaveri, Godavari Krishna which uram into Bay of Bengal. Narmada and
Tapi are the only two rivers which drain in Arabian Sea. These rivers have formed
lenile deitas The sunderban delta is formed where the Ganga and Brahmaputra hon
into Bay of Benga Sunderban Deita is the largest de ta in the world. Two groups of
islands also for pan of India Lakshadweep istands are located in Arabian Sea and
Andaman-Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bangu"
Answer the following questions
a. Name the major physical divisions of India
b. India shares Is land boundaries with suven countries. Name them.
c. Which wo major rivers down into Arabian Sea?
d. Nare the della lorned by the Ganga and Bhramputra
e. How many states and union femitates are there in India?
Section BWriting)​


Answered by Singham69


this is the best ans please don't forget to make me a Brainlist OK

Answered by bhartimohnani1979


can u start google meet my frnd??

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