Economy, asked by rnikhil204, 2 months ago

Qs Analyse and comment on the following data related to indicators of health je inta compared to other countries: 131 Indicators India USA Sri Lanka Chine 38 6 8 74 99 87 95 99 99 Infant Mortality Rate' 1,000 live births eitths by skilled attendants of total) ants immunisedioTP) (%) Moth expenditure as % GOP Snor-5 mortality/ 1000 live births Goverment health spending to total wovement spending (%) 4.7 17 5.6 48 7 213​


Answered by vishwas3396


This article presents some statistical indicators of maternal and child health in countries of South Asia, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Statistical tables aggregate data for the entire South Asia region and industrialized countries, for comparative purposes. South Asia has about 22% of world population, 33% of births annually, about 37% of annual global child mortality (CM), and the second highest maternal mortality ratio (MMR). In 1995, Sri Lanka had the lowest CM. Afghanistan had the highest CM. CM in the region was 121, or 15 times more than in industrialized countries. Countries with higher CM rates tended to have higher birthrates. Total fertility rates ranged from 2.4 in Sri Lanka, to 6.6 in Afghanistan. The total fertility rate in the region was 3.9. 29% of births in the region were attended by a trained attendant during 1990-96. Under 10% of births were attended by a trained attendant in Nepal (7%) and Afghanistan (9%). India had the highest proportion of births attended by a trained attendant (34%). Contraceptive prevalence ranged from a low of 2% in Afghanistan, to a high of 66% in Sri Lanka. Contraceptive prevalence for the region was 38%. Female literacy was lowest in Nepal (14%) and Afghanistan (15%). Sri Lanka had the highest female literacy of 87%, followed by India with 38%. Female literacy for the region was 36%. Countries with high fertility rates tended to have high MMRs. MMR was inversely related to contraceptive prevalence rates, presence of trained attendants during delivery, and adult female literacy rates. 90% of the region had coverage with BCG immunization, followed by DPT, OPV, and measles immunization. Maternal tetanus toxoid was 69%.

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