English, asked by Vkvivek9043, 1 year ago

Qualitative education vs quantitative education write an article in 150words


Answered by malkeet33


am conducting two approaches to investigations my research work i-e. Qualitative & Quantitative In the former, we use words to describe the outcomes and in the latter, we use numbers.


The main methods employed in qualitative research are:




Written materials





Primary analysis

Category and concept formation

The generation of theory


In seeking to explore the natural scene, the qualitative researcher aims to be as unobtrusive as possible, so that neither research presence nor methods disturb the situation. This is why participant observation is one of the favoured approaches.

Participant observation

Blends in with natural activity,

Access to the same places, people and events as the subjects,

Documents relevant to the role, including confidential reports and records,

Use of mechanical aids, such as tape recorders and cameras,

First-hand experience of the role and thus heightens understanding of it,

Worthwhile contribution to the life of the institution

The strengths of systematic observation are:

It is relatively free of observer bias.

It can establish frequencies, and is strong on objective measures

Reliability can be strong.

Generalise-ability, Once I have devised my instrument, large samples can be covered.

It is precise, There is no ‘hanging around’ or ‘muddling through’.

It provides a structure for the research topic


A great deal of qualitative material comes from talking with people whether it be through formal Interviews or Casual conversations.

It is essential for the researcher:

To develop empathy with interviewees and win their confidence;

To be unobtrusive, in order not to impose one’s own influence on the interviewee.

The best technique for this is the unstructured interview.

There are a number of techniques researchers use in the natural course of the conversation to aid clarity, depth and validity. Here are some:

Check on apparent contradictions

Search for opinions

Ask for clarification

Ask for explanations, pose alternatives

Seek comparisons

Pursue the logic of an argument

Ask for further information

Aim for comprehensiveness

Put things in a different way

Express incredulity or astonishment

Summarise occasionally and ask for corroboration

Ask hypothetical questions

Play devil’s advocate

The researcher engages in ‘active’ listening, which shows the interviewee that close attention is being paid to what they say; and also tries to keep the interviewee focused on the subject, as unobtrusively as possible. Both kinds of interview might be used in the same research.

Answered by visheshphogatsingh

firstly dry dry looking at the article of struck the Abstract will be usually indicate the article is a is quantitative or qualitative if if you don't see method listen in abstract look for the method method on exception of the article the section will provide detailed description of the method used in the research study the article might not be qualitative or quantitative to disk describe it its method instead it might use a more specific type of studies or ground 13 if you are not sure whether a specific method is qualitative qualitative or quantitative check the SAGE Reascearch method database to find out more about a particular mythology and where is it considered quality education or quantity education .

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