qualities of a true patriot
a true patriot does not think about anything else their country.
they can even die for their country.
they are always ready to serve their country.
hope it may help you
Qualities of a patriot
How can I MOST help my country? First, by fulfilling my promises, which here means following the constitution which I, and others, made through our votes. I must follow my country’s laws. If you are my countryman, I absolutely demand that you follow our laws (because we have made them together). Therefore: the FIRST quality of a patriot is to follow laws.
More qualities? Those which help other citizens. Like working hard, working well, and being kind, loving, tolerant, and charitable. Like actively opposing injustice. Like making discoveries that help people. These qualities are not mandated by our constitution, but they truly help people. These, I suppose, are the SECOND level qualities.
Even more qualities? I suppose being willing to face danger for the country when challenged by an external threat. I do not at all mean to imply that our armed forces personnel show patriotism of any inferior quality. I’ve always held that soldiers are the bravest people in the world. But being willing to die has no meaning if one ignores the earlier qualities. He is unpatriotic who breaks laws, spreads distrust by expressing hatred for other faiths, walks about raping women, steals, smuggles, peddles drugs, uses pirated software, or even jumps red lights. There’s no point in doing wrong every day, then one day being willing to die. (I have heard of several, and I personally know one, army officer who fought for India against Pakistan, then came home and embezzled millions. These persons were, to my mind, unpatriotic, despite their courage at the front.)
Are there any qualities of a patriot we haven’t mentioned? Well, a patriot can stand at attention during the national anthem. Why not? It doesn’t help anybody, of course, but there can be no harm in showing respect!