English, asked by Arna146, 4 months ago


Subject :- English Literature
Chapter :- The Merchant of Venice
Class :- 9th

The drama 'The Merchant of Venice' begins by showing Antonio as a melancholic character to the audience. Antonio's two friends salanio and Salarino try to find out the various reasons for his sadness. Write in brief, what are the reasons for Antonio's melancholy. What advice does Gratiano give to Antonio in order to make him cheerful??​


Answered by zuhasyed07


Hey !!

Write in brief, what are the reasons for Antonio's melancholy ?

Antonio is portrayed as a melancholy character from the outset of the play. In the first scene, Antonio's friends, Salarino and Solanio, insist that Antonio is upset and depressed about his ships. Antonio is a wealthy merchant whose money is invested in his ships. Antonio's ships are currently out at sea, where they are subjected to the treacherous waves. However, Antonio denies this explanation for his melancholy disposition and mentions that he has no idea why he is so depressed.

What advice does Gratiano give to Antonio in order to make him cheerful??

At the end of his speech, Gratiano advises Antonio not to be one of those who try to gain a reputation for wisdom by being silent. He further tells Antonio not to use melancholy as a bait to win the reputation of wisdom and cheap popularity, which is like a worthless cheap fish, a gudgeon.


Hope it helps you


Answered by abhilashavashisht75


sorry to answer here

but if you are not busy


can you guess our surnames?????

let's see your guessing power

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