English, asked by manikotesh015, 4 months ago

Quantitative Aptitude
Sentences of a paragraph are given in random order. Choose the option which gives the correct sequence.
A. All representations and appeals of non-violent nature by those oppressed failed to yield any response.
B. Such protests by the communist movements which resort to force cannot be termed as acts of terrorism.
C. There has been exploitation of the weak and the poor for centuries by the rich and the powerful.
D. Hence the frustrated and the oppressed resorted to violence as there was no other alternative.
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Answered by ishupatel14


Q1. Note Making

The world today is confronted with a large number of problems like arms proliferation, fundamentalism, separatist movements as well as international terrorism. International terrorism has today emerged as one of the most ominous threats to world peace and security. There has been considerable growth of terrorism between the 1960s and 1980s. This has largely been due to the characteristics of the international system. The most important of these are deep and bitter ethnic, religious and ideological conflicts which remain unresolved and which fester in the international system, spawning many forms of violent conflicts, terrorism and periodically erupting into civil and international wars.

1. Another underlying factor for the growth of terrorism is the use of unconventional and proxy war methods. Here terrorism becomes an attractive instrument of policy for states and sub-state organisations such as national liberation movements. Such methods are low-cost, relatively low-risk and yet afford the possibility of high yields.

2. The worldwide dissemination of new technology has also facilitated the growth of terrorism. For example, the development of international civil aviation has created new vulnerabilities and lucrative targets for terrorists to exploit. Modern weapon technology has also proved to be a boon to terrorists.

3. Terrorism today has taken different forms. These include political terrorism involving not only the use of terrorism by the state but also against the state, religious terrorism, micro terrorism as well as the recent emergence of nuclear terrorism.

4. The legitimacy of terrorism depends on various factors. Perceptions vary. The greatest justification which a terrorist finds is in a struggle between two adversaries: it is not the means but the end which is important. The United Nations Human Rights Commission has recognized that terrorism can destroy human rights and fundamental freedom of the people and threatens the territorial integrity of nations.

5. One of the most basic rights of every individual is the right to life. Terrorism, which basically involves violence and killing thus, takes away this right from individuals. Besides, the use of violence for achieving a goal, no matter how justified it is the same cannot be approved.

6. Terrorism also poses a law and order problem for the state while at the same time the economy suffers as a result of damage to trade, valuable resources as well as scaring away of investors. It is thus imperative to look for some mechanism to check the problem of international terrorism. Although there exists a large number of treaties including extradition treaties, they have not been able to check terrorism. This has happened due to the failure of states to comply with the provision of the treaties.

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