Que: 05 Explain the following with reason.
-Alertness is required to sustain democracy.
Institutional weakness has been widely documented by scholars and policy makers as a notable problem in Sub-Saharan Africa. The weakness of African institutions has become a significant issue primarily because the difficulty of realizing the benefits of development programs and projects, especially those funded by bilateral and multilateral donors, has been blamed on underdeveloped and inefficient institutions in most African countries. In order for African countries to succeed in the development process, appropriate institutions based on democratic values need to be established in their countries that will contribute to development and improved governance.
In addition to a country's constitution and its critical provisions—freedom of expression, freedom of association, and rule of law—governance-related institutions such as the civil service, the judiciary, and other local institutions need to be developed in African countries to play a role in the development and maintenance of a democratic culture. Developing and sustaining democratic institutions in African countries with the assistance of donors should receive special attention, since the inability of these institutions to implement policies to ensure development has been an impediment to democracy. For example, donor countries maintain that political stagnation, repression, and corruption in Africa now constitute the greatest obstacles to badly needed outside investment and significant economic growth.
Ans=} The above statement is true!
1. In order to make democracy successful it should be practiced by people in all aspects of their life. It should not remain limited at the government level.
2. Conscious effort should be taken to keep the rights of the people intact .
3. The different challenges faced by democracy like corruption, violence and criminalization should be tackled timely and strictly.
It is necessary that people and the government should remain alert for the sustenance of democracy.