Sociology, asked by purushottam5560, 2 months ago

Que.38 read the passage given below and answer the following questions:
In India, labels such as disability, handicap, crippled, blind and deaf are used synonymously. Often

these terms are hurled at people as insults. In a culture that looks up to bodily perfection, all

deviations from the perfect body signify abnormality defect and distortion. Labels such as bechara

(poor thing) accentuate the victim status for the disabled person. The roots of such attitudes lie in the

cultural conception that views an impaired body as a result of fate. Destiny is seen as the culprit and

disabled people are the victims. The common perception views disability an retribution for the past

karma (action) from there which can be no reprieve. The dominant cultural construction in India

therefore looks at disability as essentially a characteristic of the individual. The popular images in

mythology portray the disabled in an extremely negative fashion.

The very term disabled challenges each of these assumptions. Terms such as mentally challenged,

visually impaired and physically impaired came to replace the more trite negative terms such as

retarded, crippled or lame. The disabled are rendered disabled not because they are biologically

disabled but because society renders them so.

(a) who form the disabled population in our country?

(b) Do you think disabled are rendered disabled not because they are biologically disabled but

because society rendered them so? Explain.​


Answered by ny94472


Que.38 read the passage given below and answer the following questions:

In India, labels such as disability, handicap, crippled, blind and deaf are used synonymously. Often

these terms are hurled at people as insults. In a culture that looks up to bodily perfection, all

deviations from the perfect body signify abnormality defect and distortion. Labels such as bechara

(poor thing) accentuate the victim status for the disabled person. The roots of such attitudes lie in the

cultural conception that views an impaired body as a result of fate. Destiny is seen as the culprit and

disabled people are the victims. The common perception views disability an retribution for the past

karma (action) from there which can be no reprieve. The dominant cultural construction in India

therefore looks at disability as essentially a characteristic of the individual. The popular images in

mythology portray the disabled in an extremely negative fashion.

The very term disabled challenges each of these assumptions. Terms such as mentally challenged,

visually impaired and physically impaired came to replace the more trite negative terms such as

retarded, crippled or lame. The disabled are rendered disabled not because they are biologically

disabled but because society renders them so.

(a) who form the disabled population in our country?

(b) Do you think disabled are rendered disabled not because they are biologically disabled but

because society rendered them so? Explain.

Answered by janu519


When you're dealing with language and words, you end up with tens of thousands of classes to predict, one for each word. Trying to one-hot encode these words is massively inefficient, you'll have one element set to 1 and the other 50,000 set to 0. The word2vec algorithm finds much more efficient representations by finding vectors that represent the words. These vectors also contain semantic information about the words. Words that show up in similar contexts, such as "black", "white", and "red" will have vectors near each other. There are two architectures for implementing word2vec, CBOW (Continuous Bag-Of-Words) and Skip-gram.

In this implementation, we'll be using the skip-gram architecture because it performs better than CBOW. Here, we pass in a word and try to predict the words surrounding it in the text. In this way, we can train the network to learn representations for words that show up in similar contexts.

First up, importing packages.

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