Economy, asked by dawkarhars949, 4 months ago

Que. 4 Match the following. *

Demographic transition.

Development of agriculture.

Removal of poverty.

Principle of population.




Selected by Prime minister.

Buying cattle.

to buy tractor.

Medium term credit.

Service sector.

A. J. Coale and E.M. Hoover

NITI Aayog vice chairperson.

First five year plan.

Medium term credit.

Service sector.

A. J. Coale and E.M. Hoover

NITI Aayog vice chairperson.

First five year plan.



Answered by anjupundir6530


Match the following:

a) Diamond water paradox

b) Value and capital

c) Principles of economics

d) Language of economics

e) Asian Drama

1. Gunnar Myrdal

2. J.K. Galbraith

3. Alfred Marshalí

4. J.R. Hicks

5. Adam Smith

a) 52314

b) 54321

c) 12354

d) 35412

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