Social Sciences, asked by abhinav8813, 8 months ago

Que 7. Answer the following questions in detail- ( any 5) 5×5=25

i. Describe the methods of conservation of water and improving its quality.

ii. What were the reasons for the failure of The Revolt 1857?

iii. How did Lord Dalhousie expand the British territories in India?

iv. What is green revolution?

v. What are the conditions for contesting elections to the Lok Sabha?

vi . What are the basic characteristics of the parliamentary form of government?​


Answered by personintelligent666

(i). Any beneficial reduction in water loss, use and waste of resources.

  • waste of resources.Avoiding any damage to water quality.

  • waste of resources.Avoiding any damage to water quality.Improving water management practices that reduce the use or enhance the beneficial use of water.

(ii). The revolt of 1857 suffered from a weak leadership. It was not planned and organized. There was a clear lack of unity among the rebels and there was no common purpose among them during the revolt of 1857. The revolt did not spread to all the parts of India instead it was confined to the Northern and Central India.

(iii). According to it, when the ruler of kingdom under British protection died without a natural heir, his territory would pass to the British. He annexed many kingdoms under the Doctrine of Lapse for e.g. – Jhansi, Nagpur, Satara.

(iv). Green revolution, great increase in production of food grains (especially wheat and rice) that resulted in large part from the introduction into developing countries of new, high-yielding varieties, beginning in the mid-20th century. Its early dramatic successes were in Mexico and the Indian subcontinent.

(v). Twenty Five Years Article 84 (b) of Constitution of India provides that the minimum age for becoming a candidate for Lok Sabha election shall be 25 years.

(vi). In a parliamentary system, laws are made by majority vote of the legislature and signed by the head of state, who does not have an effective veto power. In most parliamentary democracies, the head of state can return a bill to the legislative body to signify disagreement with it.


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