French, asked by HridayAg0102, 1 year ago

Que savez- vous du C.R.O.U.S. ?




Anonymous: then why are u using language which is not familiar
IIUnicornPrincessII: Cant indians learn french??
IIUnicornPrincessII: There are lakhs giving the exam
Anonymous: so u mean everyone will know french
IIUnicornPrincessII: I learn french
Anonymous: the majority of brainly don't know including me
IIUnicornPrincessII: Okk then.. Why did you ask then are you from india?/
IIUnicornPrincessII: That hurts.. Indians sometimes dont even consider the french students sometimes..
Anonymous: because he used a language which was not familiar to me so i asked
ritujain83: V.good unicorn princess..,..


Answered by Potato4Lyf

CROUS (Centre Regional des OEuvres Universitaires et Scolaires) est un etablissement public a caractere administratif qui a pour mission de favoriser l'amelioration des conditions de vie et de travail des etudiants.

Sorry as I am unable to put the accents on the required letters. Otherwise the answer is correct!

Answered by Ishaan038


France the Centre régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires (CROUS).


In higher education in France the Centre régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires (CROUS), founded in 1955, is a regional organisation providing student bursaries, university halls of residence, reception of foreign students, student cultural activities, and student restaurants. Accommodation is offered in all university cities, such as Paris, Nantes, Lyon, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Besançon, etc. For instance, the Grenoble education authority helps students find accommodation in the university cities of Grenoble, Chambéry, Valence and Annecy.

CROUS residences are public and subsidised by the French government. It’s the most popular accommodation for students. It has indeed many advantages: rent is low (400 euros in Paris, 200 euros in other regions) with the possibility to benefit from rental assistance from the French CAF (family allowance fund). However, given the number of accommodation available, all applications cannot be granted. International students may check all offers available, including from private landlords, on lokaviz, the student accommodations hub developed by the CROUSes that guarantees to have a devent and safe accommodation.

To learn more about other universities


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