English, asked by BrainThor, 17 days ago


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Dance is an age-old tradition in India. Our country can boast of an innumerable number of folk and classical dances. These dance forms are a specialty of a particular region or tribe with its own specialty & grace, along with a set pattern of costumes & make-up.
DANCE is an art, a lucid expression of human beings, where one can express without words. The most important feature in classical dances is the use of mudras or hand gestures. These gestures are used to narrate a story or certain objects like weather, nature, and the inner feelings of love, care, anger etc. Dances are performed for every possible occasion, to celebrate the arrival of seasons, birth of a child, a wedding and festivals.
Three best-known deities of Hinduism, Shiva, Kali and Krishna, are typically represented by dancing. Dance has its own passion. Indian Classical dances are used to illustrate events from the Puranas related to or describing Vishnu. Ras-lila is performed to dramatize the love scenes of Sri Krishna and the gopis in Vrindaban.

Dances are also dedicated to Lord Shiva where the two facets of Lord Shiva are portrayed – - ‘lasya’ and ‘tandava’. ‘Lasya’, the dance to reveal beauty, grace, love and all tender aspects of existence and on the other side ‘tandava’ is the anger, wild image of Lord Shiva. And dance frames it all well. In the form of the Lord of Dance, Shiva is known as Nataraj and is worshipped by all dancers.​



Answered by ss2618455

I did not able to see question no A ,B and C

I can answer D ,E ,F OK

(answer)- (D) In our country dance are preformed

for every possible occasion like -birth of a child,

wedding and festival

(answer)-( E) 1 - Ras-lila is performed to dramatize the love scenes of Sri krishna and the hopes in vrindaban

(2) - the dance for a particular resion

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