English, asked by ahujajiya88, 4 months ago

Question. 1. Choose two of the passages (a) to (c) and answer briefly that follow:
(A) Gonzalo. : He'll be hanged yet,
Though every drop of water swear against it,
And gape at widest to glut him.
A confused noise within
Mercy on us!-'We split, we split-Farewell, my wife
and children! -Farewell brother! - We split! we
split! we split!'
1. To what remark of Antonio does Gonzalo reply like this? (1)
2. Explain the meaning of the extract.
3. Why does Gonzalo bid farewell to his wife and children? (2)
4. What does Gonzalo wish at the end of the scene?
5. What exactly has caused this storm? By whom and why? (2)
6. Give the meanings of the words as they are used in the context of the passage. (1)
Glut; Wid'st;. Split​


Answered by lakshmipriya51203


1. Gonzalo replied as he was going to be hanged.

2.part of it.

3. because he was going to be hanged.

4.he wished we split

5.gonzalo caused this



widst- largeness

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