Question.1 Give two examples for each of the following :
(a) Acute diseases
(b) Chronic diseases
(c) Infectious diseases
(d) Non-infectious diseases.
2. (i) Which bacterium causes peptic ulcers ?
(ii) Who discovered the above pathogen for the first time ?
3.List any four essential factors that must be taken icare of by an individual.
4. What do signs and symptoms indicate if a person is suffering from any disease ?
5. (i) What is an epidemic disease ?
(ii) Which organ is affected if a person is suffering from jaundice ?
6.Name the pathogens which can cause acne and sleeping sickness.
7.What causes Japanese encephalitis ? How it can be prevented ?
8.What are the different means by which infectious diseases are spread ?
9.(a) What is immunisation ?
(b) Define immunity and vaccination.
(c) Define vaccine. .
(d) What type of diseases can be prevented through vaccination ?
10.Why is AIDS considered to be a ‘Syndrome’ and not a disease ?
11.What do you mean by immune response ?
12.On exposure with an infectious microbe does not necessarily mean developing noticeable disease”. Do you agree ? Explain with reason. If yes, how severe infections occur in our body ?
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