English, asked by netranand66, 6 months ago

Question - 1
Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow:
Lorenzo Nay, we will slink away in supper-time,
Disguise us at my lodging, and return
All in an hour
Gratiano: We have not made good preparation.
Who is the new master of Launcelot ? Why does Launcelot prefer to serve the new master than
the old one ? Who invited the Jew for dinner earlier ? 3M
b) Who is Lorenzo's beloved ? Mention the two circumstances which might help him to succeed in
his plan? 3M
c) Lorenzo talks about the masque and torch bearer. What is a masque ? What is meant by torch-
bearer ? Was there a masque ? Give reason 3M
d) What is meant by "And never dare misfortune cross her foot" ? On what condition might misfor-
tune come to Jessica ? Explain : 'issue to a faithless Jew". 3M
e) Whose letter does Launcelot bring ? Why is it an important confidential letter? How does Lo-
renzo guess whose letter it is ? What information has Jessica given to Lorenzo regarding her
elopement 4M
Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.​


Answered by yashitripathi46


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