Computer Science, asked by roselakhan15, 9 months ago

Question 1
There is usually a positive side and a negative side to each new technological improvement. Select a
technology you use every day and consider its benefits and risks. What benefits does the technology
provide? Are there any risks involved and, if so, how can they be minimized? If you chose not to use this
technology because of the possible risks associated with it, how would your life be affected? Who should
determine if the benefits of a new technology outweigh the potential risks? Consumers? The government?

Question 2
The ubiquitous nature of mobile phones today brings tremendous convenience to our lives, but will
misuse of new improvements to this technology result in the loss of that convenience? For instance,
camera phones are now banned in many fitness centers, park restrooms, and other similar facilities
because some people have used them inappropriately to take compromising photos, and mobile phones
are banned in many classrooms because of the disruption of constant text messaging and the use of the
phone by dishonest students to cheat on exams. Do you think these reactions to mobile phone misuse are
justified? Is there another way to ensure the appropriate use of mobile phones without banning their use
for all individuals? Should there be more stringent consequences for those who use technology for illegal
or unethical purposes?​


Answered by shinystare87


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