Question 1:
What do you understand by the term development? Would all sections of society benefit from such a definition of development?
Development is a continuously changing and dynamic concept. Since the beginning of civilization it has been taken different shapes and dimensions. It is very difficult to give a definition of development which is universally accepted. Some have define development in terms of increase in national economy,while some other include social progress and some in terms of environment is political system. Thus, development is a complex nomina comprising many dimension social, political, economic and administrative. That is why we speak of ‘Political Development’, ‘Economic Development’ and ‘Social Development’, According to Colm and Geiger , to T.N. Chaturvedi , it is a process stands for transformation of society. In brief development is a process of improving the well-being of the people. It is about raising the standard of living of the people ,improving the education and health,etc.
It is not essential that all sections of society would get benefits of development. In the process of development it is possible that some sections of the society may benefit while other may have to suffer loss of their lands or homes.