English, asked by Swarup1998, 11 months ago

Question 104 :

"Perfection is a myth" - put some light on this topic in 100 words.

Thank you. :)

Inflameroftheancient: Unblock me dear friend, I'm alienated to a great extent
Swarup1998: Oh... I tried to unblock you a few days ago but was not working... let me try again... wait a minute
Swarup1998: Done!


Answered by Inflameroftheancient
Dear Respected Friend,

Perfection, a name as a epithet, a word, synonymous with the ones who show excellent service and dedication in their fields, the one who claims to be perfect, is instead a little imperfect.

Perfection indeed is a myth, the people will praise, appreciate you for your efforts, at the same time show a balance of criticism. The most which is cared about is criticism of efforts, put into with a great practice, knowledge, valuable opinions, original thoughts, etc.

We care about it and show more concern because we're not perfect, we've weakness lying somewhere in the core, it's underlying cause is unknown but, the people exploit it, for some strong reasons.

Perfection is never achieved, the foremost reason "Perfectionist" as a symbol of perfection was kept, was due to evading, banishing and fighting with those core weaknesses and trying in an attempt to prove, no one is perfect. They're closer to perfection, but not perfect.

We always, and will, for eternity, keep learning, even Post Graduated people, and other higher posted men, women, etc. have a lot to learn and explore the rusted inners either from the start, or the advanced stuff. Personality of achieving perfectionism is left behind way back, and is regarded as a clear exhibition of evil obsession to reach a state of, perfection.

No one is, in actual sense, perfect or claimed as imperfect. It's just about how we perceive someone's ability to look onto and execute some set of jobs given to them. If they're successfully completing their tasks in their respective fields, perfection is perceived as to reached and fully, preached; if failure is eminent, claimed as imperfect, or not able to preach the required abilities in the required time.

As a conclusion; "Perfection is a myth" is rightly stated in accordance to the skillfully attained and flawed inability in it's cores, waiting to get explored. I concur; In this current state of our Planet; Perfection is nothingness, lest equivalent to, productiveness.

Anonymous: :) ⭐⭐
Noah11: Great answer bro! :)
Inflameroftheancient: Thnx dear friend, Neil Brother :)
Noah11: Hehe! ^^
max20: Brilliant answer, future doc
Inflameroftheancient: Thnx dear
Inflameroftheancient: Thnx Daniel bro!! :)
Swarup1998: :)
Answered by Anonymous


Yeah the above statement is true. No one is perfect. And it is easy to find out mistakes but it is not easy to regulate those in their own lives.

Let us take an example:

Once a very famous artist drew a very beautiful painting. He hanged that painting at the crossroads and wrote a notice below it that find out the mistakes and wrote that in the given space. After a week he came there and found that the people had find out so many mistakes.The next day he wrote a notice again and the message was that : "Now correct those Mistakes". No one corrected them .

Moral : It is easy to comment but to regulate that in your lives is too much hard.


You are no one to judge anyone until you are something.

So same in our lives we all comments on others but have we all regulated them in our lives ?? Obviously no rarely any chance.

We all run behind perfection but how many of us are studying for getting knowledge.

And we tried our best throughout the life to be perfect but in it we lose our whole life. We can't enjoy each and every moment of our life. Just because we want to be perfect.

No one can be perfect. He/she must be having something wrong. And if the feeling that he/she is perfect started increasing one day he /she will be in great attitude and that attitude will be the main cause of his/her declination of knowledge.

Hope you understand what I want to say !!


max20: amazing
DevilDoll12: Fab Answer : )
Anonymous: thanks
Noah11: Great answer! Adorbs xx
Anonymous: thanks
Anonymous: Sis*
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