Computer Science, asked by banerjees792, 6 months ago

Question 2
Max. score: 50.00
Auction Price
There is an Auction going on for a painting. There are N people who have gathered to place a bid on that painting. This
auction is a bit different i.e., the person with the lowest unique bid wins the auction. People are numbered from 1 to N. YOL
are given an array of bids which tells the bidding price of the ith person. Print the price that the winner has to pay. If there
no winner output -1.
Function Description
Complete the auction function in the editor below. It has the following parameter(s):
Name Type


Answered by anvisha27008

Answer: What are the rules of auction sale?

New South Wales

If you wish to bid at an auction in NSW, you'll need to register with the vendor's real estate agent and be given a bidder's number. ... The auctioneer is entitled to make one bid only on behalf of the seller. The auctioneer can refuse any bids that are not in the interest of the seller.


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