question 3 give ans full details

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When Christopher Columbus first reached the Bahamian Islands in 1492, he encountered a native culture completely unfamiliar to Europeans. Native Bahamian foods were strange and surprising to Columbus and his crew. As two vastly different cultures converged, a new food culture developed. Columbus and early colonizers learned to adopt native Bahamian foods, while simultaneously introducing European foods to the Americas. During the 15thand 16th centuries, a number of European countries financed sailing expeditions in hopes of finding uncharted lands, gold and other riches. In the early 1400s, the Portuguese backed a successful expedition to Asia and Africa. When the ships returned with gold, spices and unfortunately slaves, other countries jumped on the exploration bandwagon. For the previous century, Spain had been occupied with political affairs concerning the Jewish and Muslim population. In 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella issued an edict (known as the Alhambra Decree) decreeing that all Jews should be driven out of the kingdom. That same year, Spain financed a young Genoese man named Christopher Columbus (known in Spain as Cristóbal Colón) in an exploratory voyage to the Far East.
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