English, asked by Samyak2514, 4 months ago

Question 3.
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

Nerissa: Your father was ever virtuous: and holy men
at their death have good inspirations:
therefore, the lottery, that he hath devised
in these three chests of gold, silver and
lead, -whereof who chooses his meaning
chooses you, - will, no doubt, never
be chosen by any rightly but one who shall rightly love.

(i) What are the terms of the lottery referred to in the above extract?
Who devised it?
(ii) How do you know that Portia was not happy with this lottery? [3]
(iii) Name any six suitors who came to woo Portia. [3]
(iv) What does Nerissa say to comfort Portia?
What is Nerissa’s opinion of Portia’s father?
(v) Which casket does the Prince of Morocco choose?
What leads him to make this choice?


Answered by ppnayak


2. May that which guides men like a good charioteer

who controls fleet-footed horses with the reins,

that which abides in the heart, most swift and active,

may that my mind resolve on what is good.



i) The poem from which these lines have been taken is :

ii) The one word used for a long narrow band usually of leather by which a horse is controlled"


in the extract is :


iii) In what sense is the word "Mind” used in this

poem :

what is the answer​


Question 3.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

Nerissa: Your father was ever virtuous: and holy men

at their death have good inspirations:

therefore, the lottery, that he hath devised

in these three chests of gold, silver and

lead, -whereof who chooses his meaning

chooses you, - will, no doubt, never

be chosen by any rightly but one who shall rightly love.

(i) What are the terms of the lottery referred to in the above extract?

Who devised it?


(ii) How do you know that Portia was not happy with this lottery? [3]

(iii) Name any six suitors who came to woo Portia. [3]

(iv) What does Nerissa say to comfort Portia?

What is Nerissa’s opinion of Portia’s father?


(v) Which casket does the Prince of Morocco choose?

What leads him to make this c

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