English, asked by ghegadmaljayshree, 5 months ago

Question 3
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
A few month after his arrival, Dr. Cook looked up from a patient he was examining to see the usual group of people
crowding back nervously from a couple of panting, half-naked messengers.
"Smallpox," Katherine said quietly.
In Uganda, it was a fatal disease. Once it struck a village, it spread through it like a plague, destroying hundreds, blinding
and disfiguring the rest. There was no known remedy. The custom was to put the sick into little huts outside the village
and abandon them to die.
The messengers reported the disease in a nearby village. Dr. Cook could not think what to do: so few supplies had
arrived from the coast. Then he remembered, seeing him off from London nine months ago, his eidest brother had
handed him two tubes of vaccine with the hope that he might find them useful in Africa. The doctor had put them in his
pocket and forgotten all about them in the bustle go getting away. Had they been lost on the long march from the
coast? Were they broken? Was it possible that the vaccine had kept its strength after nine months?
He ran to his quarters and searched frantically through boxes, bags and baskets. Finally, he found the tubes and ran back
to the dispensary praying as he went. He managed to persuade a few boys to submit to vaccination and told them to
return in a week so that he could see whether or not the vaccine had "taken", and if so, to collect enough to vaccinate
A week went by. The smallpox was spreading. The boys did not retum. Messengers were sent to search for them.
Rewards were offered if they would come back. The doctor concluded sadly that the vaccine had lost its strength.​


Answered by ansafp


where is the question.....

Answered by rohitgupta24012


Why was the smallpox such a dangerous disease in Uganda

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