English, asked by jiyapanchal119, 1 month ago

Question 3 Read the passage and answer the questions: It was a cold winter morning. Some ants that lived in an anthill under a tree began to bring their store of grain to dry in the sun. a grasshopper quickly came up to them and begged them for food. "Please spare some grain to save a dying hopper," he said. “Where is your own store of food?" the ants asked. "I spent the summer singing and dancing," replied the grasshopper. "The sun was so golden and the air so sweet that I didn't feel like doing anything else." “Did you not think about the cold months ahead? Everyone knows that it is too cold to look for food in winter. "I never think so much!" answered the grasshopper. "Well, then." said the ants, "you can sing and dance through winter also.” The poor grasshopper understood that he should have not wasted time in summer. If only he had worked when the sun was shining how would not have had to starve in the cold and sunless days ahead.​


Answered by dangikusum14


hlo I am sorry I cant understand what have you written

Answered by raginigunjan2


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