Computer Science, asked by adlay71, 5 months ago

Question 3
The City class has the following attributes: name, country (where the city is located), elevation (measured in meters), and population (approximate, according to recent statistics). Fill in the blanks of the max_elevation_city function to return the name of the city and its country (separated by a comma), when comparing the 3 defined instances for a specified minimal population. For example, calling the function for a minimum population of 1 million: max_elevation_city(1000000) should return "Sofia, Bulgaria".
# define a basic city class
class City:
name = ""
country = ""
elevation = 0
population = 0

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city1 = City() = "Cusco" = "Peru"
city1.elevation = 3399
city1.population = 358052

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city2 = City() = "Sofia" = "Bulgaria"
city2.elevation = 2290
city2.population = 1241675

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city3 = City() = "Seoul" = "South Korea"
city3.elevation = 38
city3.population = 9733509

def max_elevation_city(min_population):
# Initialize the variable that will hold
# the information of the city with
# the highest elevation
return_city = City()

# Evaluate the 1st instance to meet the requirements:
# does city #1 have at least min_population and
# is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
if city1.elevation >= return_city.elevation and city1.population:
return_city = city1
# Evaluate the 2nd instance to meet the requirements:
# does city #2 have at least min_population and
# is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
if city2.elevation >= return_city.elevation and city2.population:
return_city = city2
# Evaluate the 3rd instance to meet the requirements:
# does city #3 have at least min_population and
# is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
if city3.elevation >= return_city.elevation and city3.population:
return_city = city3

#Format the return string
return ("{}, {}, {}, {}".format(, (return_city,country), (return_city,elevation(max), (return_city,population))
return ""

print(max_elevation_city(100000)) # Should print "Cusco, Peru"
print(max_elevation_city(1000000)) # Should print "Sofia, Bulgaria"
print(max_elevation_city(10000000)) # Should print ""

beow an errors
Error on line 57:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
RuntimeErrorElement(RuntimeError,Error on line 57:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

can you help i did wrong and thanis in python crash courese


Answered by sk469962414

max578 elevation 290000 city

Answered by mad210203

Corrected program is given below.


The mistake in your program was Indentation. You have not given proper spacing in the program. I have corrected the program.

# define a basic city class

class City:

name = ""

country = ""

elevation = 0

population = 0

# create a new instance of the City class and

# define each attribute

city1 = City() = "Cusco" = "Peru"

city1.elevation = 3399

city1.population = 358052

# create a new instance of the City class and

# define each attribute

city2 = City() = "Sofia" = "Bulgaria"

city2.elevation = 2290

city2.population = 1241675

# create a new instance of the City class and

# define each attribute

city3 = City() = "Seoul" = "South Korea"

city3.elevation = 38

city3.population = 9733509

def max_elevation_city(min_population):

# Initialize the variable that will hold

# the information of the city with

# the highest elevation


 return_city =""

# Evaluate the 1st instance to meet the requirements:

# does city #1 have at least min_population and

# is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?

 if (city1.population>min_population):



         return_city = ("{}, {}".format(,

# Evaluate the 2nd instance to meet the requirements:

# does city #2 have at least min_population and

# is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?


     if (highest_elevation<city2.elevation):


         return_city = ("{}, {}".format(,

# Evaluate the 3rd instance to meet the requirements:

# does city #3 have at least min_population and

# is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?


     if (highest_elevation<city3.elevation):


         return_city = ("{}, {}".format(,

#Format the return string

 if return_city!="":

     return return_city


     return ""

print(max_elevation_city(100000)) # Should print "Cusco, Peru"

print(max_elevation_city(1000000)) # Should print "Sofia, Bulgaria"

print(max_elevation_city(10000000)) # Should print ""

Refer the attached image for output.

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