Biology, asked by parul6979, 1 year ago

Question 45:
(a) What is meant by ‘environment’ ?
(b) What type of substances are the major pollutants of the environment ? Name two such substances.
(c) Name the organisms whose uncontrolled activities are damaging the environment.
(d) Explain why, it is better to use paper bags than plastic bags.

Lakhmir Singh Biology Class 10


Answered by SAngela
Hii@@ dear here is ur answer ________

a) The surroundings in which a person , animals, or a plant lives .

b) the major types of pollutants are.....
non- living , man - made substances are damaged our environment.

eg.... plastic bags, many types harmful gasous ,

c) human being are the only organism which change the natural environment to full - fill their need.

d) paper bages is used for shopping becoz these are biodegradable where as plastic bags are degradable.

________________ DEAR☺.


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