English, asked by abhidas2450, 7 months ago

Question 5
(a) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in
brackets. Do not
the passage,
but write in correct serial order the word or phrase
appropriate to the blank space.
Example: (0) carrying
A giant plane, ....O.... (carry) 43 passengers was forced to crash-land when
its ....1.... (land) gear ......... (get) stuck. Only the skill of the pilot ....3.... (prevent) a
major tragedy. The landing gear ....4.... (not come) down as it prepared to land at the
airport. Expert mechanics laboured over the plane for three hours before they found
what caused the mechanical ....5.... (fail). What they found was almost unbelievable.
A nut about as small as a pencil eraser ....6.... (fall) into a channel, or had been picked
up on the runway, and had prevented a pin from being withdrawn. This in turn kept
the gear from ....7.... (move).
Small things, often determine the well-being of countless people. One incident can
endanger the ........ (safe) of a large number of people.​


Answered by jaswinderkaurmanchan


1 landing

2 got

3 prevented

4 did not come

5 failure

6 had fallen

7 moving

8 safety

Answered by dibyashreepaul28


1)l landing

2) got


4)would not come

5) failure

6) had fallen

7) moving

8) safety

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